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How Often Should You Change Your Oil?

how often should you do oil change

How Often Should You Change Your Oil?

Bow Mitsubishi is a leading dealership in Calgary, Alberta. We strive to provide you with all your automotive needs in one place, from the latest Mitsubishi models to tips on proper car maintenance. One of the most important aspects of your vehicle is the engine. Your car oil serves to lubricate the engine's many components and rapidly moving parts to reduce friction and prevent the engine from overheating. Here's what you need to know about your oil and how frequently you need to change it.

All You Need to Know About Oil Change

When the oil has been there for too long, it breaks down, becomes a less effective lubricant for your engine, and starts to cause vehicle trouble. From an overheating engine to less efficient fuel consumption, the simple act of changing your oil can prevent damage to your vehicle. The best time to change your oil is usually indicated on your car's owner's manual provided by the manufacturer. It will usually specify the recommended type of oil for your vehicle as well.

In general, it's recommended to change your oil every three to six months, or 5,000 to 10,000 kilometres. Newer cars have modern advancements in the engine and can endure for longer without an oil change. Cars that aren't being driven frequently are more prone to oil buildup and may need to have more oil changes. At Bow Mitsubishi, we recommend you change your oil twice a year, ideally at the time you would be switching your seasonal tires. This way, you can get two services done at once, and it's easier to remember!

Car Servicing in Calgary, Alberta

Our expert service technicians at Bow Mitsubishi are certified in all types of car maintenance. If you're unsure which oil to use for your car, our skilled Service Centre staff will recommend the right one for you. Rely on our trained service technicians to advise you on the recommended frequency of oil changes for your car. When you bring your car over, we'll inspect it and make sure there are no minor issues that may become major problems later on. We'll also show you how to monitor your engine oil yourself to ensure there are no changes in colour or buildup of particles that indicate your oil is breaking down.

Get Your Oil Changed Today

If you're not sure how long it's been since your last oil change, then it's probably time for an oil change. Visit our Service Centre in Calgary to benefit from our car maintenance services and get your oil changed today!

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